

Life Skills


Foreign Language


Okinawan Karate
Our Unique Approach
At Mounthaven Christian Academy, we provide a distinct learning experience to create the world’s next generation of Christian leaders. We combine a Christ-centered, holistic, and interdisciplinary approach to learning, exploration, and discovery.
MCA Opening 2020
The 2020-2021 school year will begin in an exclusively virtual platform. The Board of Trustees along with School Administration will continue to monitor safety guidelines by the CDC and our internal medical experts. Mounthaven is committed to carrying out its mission and to providing students with an excellent educational experience through its virtual instruction for all students from first through eighth grade. Our educational team of instructors have been preparing through the summer to provide a rigorous, yet creative and engaging learning experience for all students.
We understand that given the uncertainty of our times many parents have desired to explore a variety of homeschooling platforms for their children. MCA has developed a unique homeschooling partnership to allow homeschooling students to join our eLearning communities, and to join in one of two options: 1. CAPES – Community, Fine Arts, Physical Activity, and Personal Enrichment, which offers partnership with our weekly drawing and design and physical education classes, with Friday chapels, in-reach/out-reach, Art Experience, Karate Class, and Fine Arts Block, and 2. Foreign Language and STEM which includes participation in weekly Mandarin, Robotics/Coding, and Science/STEAM Labs. For more information, contact the Executive Director, Dr. Fred Warfield, by email or by phone at 301-679-0327.